24 August 2009

english style

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of serving up copious amounts of Pimm's. And I fear I may have started something. A couple of my guests had a vague idea but the large majority had never heard of the English drink let alone tasted it, which I found astonishing but rather nice, as it gave me the opportunity of introducing the friendly gathering to this great old English summer tradition through grand tales of Wimbledon, the Henley Royal Regatta and Glyndebourne. Alas, now my Pimm's No. 1 Cup is empty and I need to make amends. Nobody seems to sell it round here so I've taken up the kind offer of my friend, whose father and brother are rather well-connected in the gastro-stakes, to make the necessary enquiries as to where one may obtain this fruity tipple without having to board a plane.
In an attempt to extend this glorious summer even further, and in the hope that my dear and well-connected friend returns with good news, I shall host a few more Pimm's No. 1 evenings. News also has it, dear friends, that Pimm's recently relaunched their No. 3 by renaming it Pimm's Winter Cup, and I have a feeling that this could also become a rip-roaring success around these parts once the first snowflakes have fallen. Who knows, in a few years we may have enough followers to present the Seasonal Ticino Pimm's Festival. I say, I think we've got something there!
NEWSFLASH: my friend has returned triumphantly from her quest - she is now the proud owner of a bottle of Pimm's No. 1 which she obtained from Locarno's superb wine store In Vino Veritas aka CANETTI's!

16 August 2009


A tribute that just has to be made today. Elvis was my first big love and I was crushed by the news 32 years ago today. I still remember being at my uncle and aunt's house in Germany on holiday when it happened. I was coming down the stairs and saw the TV; nobody in the household understood my sadness. It was huge. It still is, of course. Soon I'll be 42 years old, too. So much time's gone by yet he's still the greatest, isn't he?
Click here here to remind yourself of the magic.

03 August 2009

kiehl's and a panama

I forgot how much I love Kiehl's. On a carefree and very rare solitary wander 'round the Munich shops I couldn't resist going into OBERPOLLINGER where I walked straight into the Kiehl's counter and the very smiley German sales rep. Keeping a lid on it, I managed to buy only the one product, which in fact smells so good that every time I use it I have to restrain myself from drinking it. It's one of their latest products, a body lotion containing Moroccan Argan Oil, so the smiley Fräulein tells me - "and anything containing Argan oil or leaf extract is worth its weight in gold". Right, I'll be needing one then, and make it snappy! White Kiehl's paper bag dangling fetchingly from my arm I suddenly remembered the true purpose of my shopping trip... must not get distracted like this! So, for the occasion of my uncle's 72nd birthday, I swiftly proceeded to the menswear department on the 3rd floor where I successfully acquired a most suitable gift for a gentleman. A Stetson.

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