It would really seem that I've happened upon my own tailormade little cosmos. Wherever I turn, within say a 5 km radius, I find inspiration wave after wave. The subject of this post? Cars. For which I have a secret passion, one that I tend not to talk about too much as I've always felt it's possibly a little misplaced, me being a woman and all.... But, now that I'm older, more mature and filled to the brim with self-confidence, I know this is total tosh. I love cars, I love cars, I love cars - and more than that, I love
driving. As the only female in our household (Miss Marple doesn't qualify as she's a cat and therefore can't drive or cook), I enjoy using the "I'm-the-only-woman-here-and-you-lot-don't-understand-me" argument as well as the other very useful "You-NEVER-let-me-watch-what-
I-want-to-watch" card (ie. Poirot, Miss Marple or Jonathan Ross). It really works and thank goodness for that. What they (the men) don't know, is that I
love sitting down to endless episodes of
Top Gear just as much as they do; Jezzer and James May are my kind of guys, Hammond I'll leave to the younger generations. But let's get back to cars now. As you drive into our little town, on your left you'll see a ramschackle but charming old garage run by Signor Belotti Junior - he took over from his father some time ago and Belotti Senior still keeps a watchful eye on the motors that roll in and out of the renowned workshop. And what motors they are. These are not standard wheels but superb, divine examples of fine motorcars - some
really do make your eyes water. Customers come from all over to have Belotti fix their beauties - "Even from England!" the locals keep reminding me. The road through our town just happens to be the final stretch of a spectacular touring route which comes from over the Simplon Pass, via Domodossola down along the narrow bendy roads of the beautiful Centovalli - you'll need your driving gloves and possibly a valium. So while I leave you to drool over the sexy Maserati Ghibli pictured above, I'd also like to draw your attention to a very tasteful blog called
MilleMiglia. And by the way, all this is NOT a cunning plan to increase my male readership, it's really just about cars.
Well, possibly another thing we have in common. I too love cars (many models displayed by Mr Belotti manage to slow down my driving for a quick peek) and I too watch Top Gear with great pleasure! Jeremy may not always be PC but he always cracks me up! My dream: a little green MG...
Yup Cars do it for me too! I was so proud of my little MG - as soon as I had it in my posession I sent off for a chrome luggage rack to go on the boot. As soon as it arrived, and handyman hubby had fixed it on, I filled my oldest (almost antique) suitcase with blanket & picnic, fixed it to the rack, put the roof down, crammed the boys in the back ( I had got the garage to squeeze in two rear seat belts- probably illegal) and drove up to Dartmoor. Once up on the wonderful moor, i drove 'off piste' onto the moor itself and parked in a clearing with bracken all around, and a great view of the coast and sea. Proudly I unpacked the case and we had our picnic....sitting VERY close to my car. The thing I really loved about my MG was the roar of the engine that vibrated up through my foot on the accelerator into me, I could be driving at 50mph but it would feel like 100, especially with the roof down. You really do 'drive' a car like that- you are well rewarded for the effort you put in- no power steering to get you round a bend...you have to really drive the car round, it's great! It was a sad day when I sold it...for our family middle aged caravan..but then what fun we had with that....now the time has come to sell the van..what will be next? Sorry don't share the attraction of Jeremy- or James May for that matter, but the Jurys still out on the Stig!
Steffi, Never knew you were an auto lover! I enjoy this because it makes I me curious. I could learn much from you! Cindy
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