09 November 2009

make it simple

I've started thinking about it (how can you NOT, with shops strutting their Christmas decs since early October) and realised just now that the only thing I really want this Christmas is simplicity. No fuss, no stress, no shopping madness, no garish decorations, not even a tree and as for presents, well let's just say that 'bare' and 'minimum' sums it up quite nicely. My children won't be impressed I'm sure but they'll be so distracted by the fact that we are spending it in England, that they'll hardly notice any lack of tinsel. Could I finally have come out of my childhood at the tender age of almost-42 and had the epiphany that it's really not about buying, eating, giving/receiving and generally over-indulging? I do hope so. Probably it's more to do with being fulfilled and happy and not really, at the end of the day, wanting for material things. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm the girl running hysterically 'round London's newly opened Anthropologie but given half a chance I'd do that at any time of year and preferably NOT during the Christmas period (however if you are browsing 'round this store, and if Christmas decorations are your thing, then look out for the charming fish pictured above).
Quite consciously and blatantly slipping into granny-mode, my view this year is that Christmas is about being together; about family and remembering what we have and appreciating how lucky we are. Just the thought of spending the holidays with our family makes me fell warm and fuzzy - give me an armchair or preferably a sofa, some knitting or a book and I'll gladly just sit there watching the kids as well as the adults merrily chatting. My only regret is that we can't all be together. We'd need a house the size of Pemberley (oops, I mean Chatsworth) to all fit in comfortably. Maybe next year.

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