...not quite Herb Ritts but you get my drift. I took this photo of Ben in the summer and when I saw it in black and white I instantly started singing Madonna's 1989 song 'Cherish', much to my husband's intense embarassment. Watch the
video to remind yourself of 3 things:
1) how fantastic Madge used to look with some meat on her,
2) what a cool song this is
3) and what an absolute stylemaster
Herb Ritts was.
Do you love it?
I really liked M back then and she used to inspire my hairstyle a LOT! You will get proof of my Cherish-moment in Sardinia in 1990 in the pic I'm sending you privately (you'll see why...)
I wish you'd give me the go ahead to show the 1990 pic of you as it's just so beautiful! Well everyone, you'll just have to take my word for it. It's a stunner!
Here then dear friends, is The Style Inside's number one follower's very own 'Cherish-moment':
Simply cut and paste the above link. Then admire.
Anybody else?
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