For some time now I've been catching a song on the radio and each time I hear it my ears prick up in serious appreciation. I've been asking myself who on earth that voice could belong to so my mind went a wondering: it sounded so Willie-Nelson-like and there was a bit of the Neil Young about it too, so I kind of figured it was some weird, old, American country singer (LOVE those guys, by the way) and something in his pronunciation even indicated that he might not have all of his front teeth. Not an attractive image you'll agree, but even if my mystery singer turned out to be the ageing toothless wonder of my wild imagination I wouldn't care, because the voice got me right where it hurts and where it matters. A voice can do that. This morning whilst driving, I heard the song again and decided that this was the day I would solve the mystery. Found him. He's got all his teeth, he's younger than me (huff and puff), and he's just a bit gorgeous. But all that really doesn't matter a jot because it's the voice and the words that I fell in love with. Ooooh... the beginning of this song is just heartbreaking.
Listen and tell me about it.... (a tip: listen
without looking first - look only when listening a second time. Trust me, click on the link,
close your eyes and just
listen). Speaking of Willie Nelson, there's something pretty cool about the picture above, right?
Oh no oh no oh no! Totally in agreement with all your sentiments, been on his web site, about to go on amazon for cds.....
it can be frightening as now i can't even guess their ages....what does all this mean???
doesn't mean anything my dear, you shouldn't worry.
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